Zeynep Şimşek

Work experience 👨‍💻

Front End Developer,

@Invent Analytics - İstanbul
(2021 September- ...)
  • I have worked with React, Redux and other libraries for the past 2 years. I'm also experienced with Datadog, Antd, Gitlab and many other tools/libraries that help me deliver high-quality products.
  • My primary focus is on retail optimization solutions dashboards, B2B applications.
  • Agile working
  • Leading retrospective meetings
  • I'm certified in first aid.

Software Development Expert,

@Türk Hava Yolları Teknik A.Ş. - Turkish Technic - İstanbul
(2018 September- September 2021)
I worked as a Full Stack Developer in the Information Technologies Directorate. I carried out duties as a member of my Agile team that created for Education Department, Human Resources Department, and R&D Department processes within the company. I took part in the Agile Transformation process.
  • ASP .Net, .Net Core
  • Angular, React, Js ,Typescript
  • Oracle, MsSQL, MySQL
  • Quality Coordinator
  • Participating in Agile Office work
  • I received training in software and aviation


Home Office
(2016 - 2020)
  • User Interfaces (HTML5 + CSS3)
  • Web Projects (React, Angular, AMP, Wordpress, Js)

Recent Talks and Educations

2023 - Muğla DevFest - React101
2024 - Sisterslab - Git & Github

Skills 🛠


ReactJS, Typescript, Redux, C#, Javascript, HTML, CSS, SCSS, SQL, Tailwind
NextJS, Angular, .NET Core


  • Tools: Git, Jira, Miro, Parabola, VsCode, Webstorm, Vercel, Docker, Storybook, Datadog, ChatGPT
  • No-code: Notion
  • Design: Figma, Photoshop, Canva


Turkish (native) / English (advance)

Education/Community 📚

Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University

Computer Engineering
(100% English)
  • Biltek Student Club - Vice President
  • Tubitak UAV Competition 2017-2018


  • ex - GDG/WTM Ankara
  • WTM Ambassador
  • Sisterslab

Other 🍭

Blog Writer

İstanbul (2022-…)


Scuba Diving 🤿 / Botanical İllustrator 🎨 / Board Games 🎴/ Reading 📕/ Writing ✍ / Yoga 🧘🏽‍♀️